on Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our first giveaway will begin tomorrow, May 24th 2010. I am very excited to present our first fine art giveaway just in time for Father's Day. We'll be giving away a free greeting card package, so you don't have to give your favorite guy the same boring greeting card from the grocery store.

I'll be selecting cards from my Etsy shop as well as two images/cards not yet available for sale. This will be a special preview of those two new items that will become available only after the giveaway.

The exact prizes and deadline to enter will be announced tomorrow. I can tell you that the only way to enter is by leaving a comment on tomorrow's blog. It couldn't hurt to also subscribe to my blog and join Laura's Prints Facebook page, but that's just so you don't miss the giveaway and announcement of the winner! Our winner will be selected by randomizer - which selects a number at random from the number of comments or entries we get on the giveaway post.

I look forward to reading your comments on this great giveaway. We'll be having more in the coming months.

